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Rule 6-1



ART. 1 . . . The game and each extra period must be started by a jump ball in the center restraining circle. After any subsequent dead ball, the only way to get the ball live is to resume play by a jump ball in the center restraining circle, by a throw-in or by a free throw. The dribble and traveling rules are not in effect in these situations.

ART. 2 . . . The ball becomes live when:

a. On a jump ball, the tossed ball leaves the official’s hand(s).
b. On a throw-in, it is at the disposal of the thrower.
c. On a free throw, it is at the disposal of the free thrower.

NOTE: Any rules statement is made on the assumption that no infraction is involved unless mentioned or implied. If such infraction occurs, the rule governing it is followed. For example, a game or extra period will not start with a jump ball if a foul occurs before the ball becomes live.


Rule 6-2


ART. 1 . . . The game, quarter and each extra period begins when the ball becomes live as specified in 6-1-2 for a jump ball, throw-in or free throw.

ART. 2 . . . To start the game and each extra period, the ball must be put in play in the center restraining circle by a jump ball between any two opponents.

ART. 3 . . . To start the second, third and fourth quarters, the ball must be put in play by a throw-in under the alternating-possession procedure.



Rule 6-3


ART. 1 . . . For any jump ball, each jumper must have both feet within that half of the center restraining circle which is farther from his/her basket.

ART. 2 . . . When the official is ready and until the ball is tossed, non-jumpers must not:

a. Move onto the center restraining circle.
b. Change position around the center restraining circle.

ART. 3 . . . Teammates may not occupy adjacent positions around the center restraining circle if an opponent indicates a desire for one of these positions before the official is ready to toss the ball.

ART. 4 . . . The ball must be tossed upward between the jumpers in a plane at right angles to the sidelines. The toss must be to a height greater than either of them can jump so that it will drop between them.

ART. 5 . . . Until the tossed ball is touched by one or both jumpers, non-jumpers must not:

a. Have either foot break the plane of the center restraining circle cylinder.
b. Take a position in any occupied space.

ART. 6 . . . The tossed ball must be touched by one or both of the jumpers after it reaches its highest point. If the ball contacts the floor without being touched by at least one of the jumpers, the official must toss it again.

ART. 7 . . . Neither jumper must:

a. Touch the tossed ball before it reaches its highest point.
b. Leave the center restraining circle until the ball has been touched.
c. Catch the ball before the jump ball ends.
d. Touch the ball more than twice.

ART. 8 . . . The jump ball and the restrictions in 6-3-7 end when the touched ball contacts one of the eight non-jumpers, an official, the floor, a basket or backboard. NOTE: During a jump ball, a jumper is not required to face his/her own basket, provided he/she is in the proper half of the center restraining circle. The jumper is also not required to jump and attempt to touch the tossed ball. However, if neither jumper touches the ball it should be tossed again with both jumpers being ordered to jump and try to touch the ball.



Rule 6-4


ART. 1 . . . Other than the start of the game and each extra period, the teams will alternate taking the ball out of bounds for a throw-in. The team obtaining control from the jump ball establishes the alternating-possession procedure, and the arrow is set toward the opponent’s basket. Control may also be established by the results of a violation or foul, as in 4-3.

ART. 2 . . . To start the second, third and fourth quarters, the throw-in must be from out of bounds at the division line opposite the scorer’s and timer’s table.

ART. 3 . . . Alternating-possession throw-ins must be from the out-of bounds spot nearest to where the ball was located. An alternating possession throw-in must result when:

a. A held ball occurs.
b. The ball goes out of bounds, as in 7-3.
c. Simultaneous floor or free-throw violations occur.
d. A live ball lodges between the backboard and ring or comes to rest on the flange, unless a free throw or throw-in follows.
e. Opponents commit simultaneous basket-interference violations.
f. The point of interruption cannot be determined as in 4-36-2c.

NOTE: When the alternating-possession procedure has not been established, the jump ball must be in the center restraining circle between the two players involved in the subsequent action.

ART. 4 . . . The direction of the possession arrow is reversed immediately after an alternating-possession throw-in ends. An alternating-possession throw-in ends when the throw-in ends as in 4-42-5.

ART. 5 . . . The opportunity to make an alternating-possession throw-in is lost if the throw-in team violates. If either team fouls during an alternating possession throw-in, it does not cause the throw-in team to lose the possession arrow. If the defensive team commits a violation during the throw-in, the possession arrow is not switched.


Rule 6-5


The ball must be put in play by a throw-in under circumstances as outlined in 6-4-1, 2, 3; 7-1 through 6; 8-5; and 9-1 through 13.


Rule 6-6


The ball must be put in play by placing it at the disposal of the free thrower before each free throw.



Rule 6-7


The ball becomes dead, or remains dead, when:

ART. 1 . . . A goal, as in 5-1, is made.

ART. 2 . . . It is apparent the free throw will not be successful on a:

a. Free throw which is to be followed by another free throw.
b. Free throw which is to be followed by a throw-in.

ART. 3 . . . A held ball occurs, or the ball lodges between the backboard and ring or comes to rest on the flange.

ART. 4 . . . A player-control or team-control foul occurs.

ART. 5 . . . An official’s whistle is blown (see exceptions a and b below).

ART. 6 . . . Time expires for a quarter or extra period (see exception a below).

ART. 7 . . . A foul, other than player-control or team-control, occurs (see exceptions a, b and c below).

ART. 8 . . . A free-throw violation by the throwing team, as in 9-1, occurs.

ART. 9 . . . A violation, as in 9-2 through 13, occurs (see exception d below).

EXCEPTION: The ball does not become dead until the try or tap for field goal ends, or until the airborne shooter returns to the floor, when:

a. Article 5, 6, or 7 occurs while a try or tap for a field goal is in flight.
b. Article 5 or 7 occurs while a try for a free throw is in flight.
c. Article 7 occurs by any opponent of a player who has started a try or tap for field goal (is in the act of shooting) before the foul occurred, provided time did not expire before the ball was in flight. The trying motion must be continuous and begins after the ball comes to rest in the player’s hand(s) on a try or touches the hand(s) on a tap, and is completed when the ball is clearly in flight. The trying motion may include arm, foot or body movements used by the player when throwing the ball at his/her basket.
d. Article 9 as in 9-3-3 or 9-13-1, occurs by an opponent.

NOTE: If A1’s try or tap for field goal is legally touched in flight, the goal counts if made, if the period/quarter ends before or after the legal touching. If the touching is interference or goaltending by Team A, no points are scored. If Team B violates, the points are awarded – either two or three depending on whether it was a two or three-point try or tap for field goal.
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