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Rule 10-1


A team must not:

ART. 1 . . . Fail to supply the scorer with the name and number of each team member who may participate and designate the five starting players at least 10 minutes before the scheduled starting time.

PENALTY: (Art. 1) One foul for both requirements. Penalized when it occurs.

ART. 2 . . . After the 10-minute time limit specified in Article 1:

a. Change a designated starter unless necessitated as in 3-2-2a.

b. Add a name to the team member list.

c. Require the scorer to change a team member’s or player’s number in the scorebook.

d. Require a player to change to the number in the scorebook.

e. Have identical numbers on team members and/or players.

PENALTY: (Art. 2) One foul only per team regardless of the number of infractions. (Art. 2a) Penalized if discovered before the ball becomes live to start the game. (Arts. 2b, c, d) Penalized when they occur. (Art. 2e) Penalized when discovered. Head coach does not lose the privilege of the coaching box.

ART. 3 . . . Use a megaphone or any electronic communication device, or electronic equipment for voice communication with players on the court, or use electronic audio and/or video devices to review a decision of the contest officials.

ART. 4 . . . Fail to occupy the team members’ bench to which it is assigned.

PENALTY: (Section 1) Two free throws plus the ball for a division-line throw-in. (Arts. 3 & 4) Penalized when they occur.


Rule 10-2


ART. 1 . . . Allow the game to develop into an actionless contest, this includes the following and similar acts:

a. When the clock is not running consuming a full minute through not being ready when it is time to start either half.

b. Delay the game by preventing the ball from being made promptly live or from being put in play. See 7-5-1 and 8-1-2 for the resumption-of-play procedure to use after a time-out or the intermission between quarters. The procedure is used prior to charging a technical foul in these specific situations.

c. Commit a violation of the throw-in boundary-line plane, as in 9-2-10, after any team warning for delay.

d. Contact with the free thrower or a huddle of two or more players in the lane by either team prior to a free throw following any team warning for delay.

e. Interfering with the ball following a goal after any team warning for delay.

f. Not having the court ready for play following any time-out after any team warning for delay.

ART. 2 . . . Have more than five team players participating simultaneously.

ART. 3 . . . Request an excess time-out.

ART. 4 . . . Commit an unsporting foul.

ART. 5 . . . Fail to have all players return to the court at approximately the same time following a time-out or intermission.

ART. 6 . . . Allow players to lock arms or grasp a teammate(s) in an effort to restrict the movement of an opponent.

PENALTY: (Section 2) Two free throws plus the ball for a division-line throw-in. (Arts. 1, 4, 5, 6) Penalized when they occur. (Art. 2) Penalized if discovered while being violated. (Art. 3) Penalized when discovered. Head coach does not lose the privilege of the coaching box.


Rule 10-3


A substitute must not enter the court:

ART. 1 . . . Without reporting to the scorer.

ART. 2 . . . Without being beckoned by an official, except between quarters and during time-outs.

PENALTY: (Section 3) Two free throws plus the ball for a division-line throw-in. One foul for either or both requirements. Penalized if discovered before the ball becomes live.

NOTE: A single flagrant technical foul or the second technical foul charged to a substitute results in disqualification of the offender to the team bench.



Rule 10-4


A player must not:

ART. 1 . . . Participate after changing his/her number without reporting it to the scorer and an official.

PENALTY: (Art. 1) Flagrant foul. Penalized if discovered while being violated.

ART. 2 . . . Purposely and/or deceitfully delay returning after legally being out of bounds.

ART. 3 . . . Grasp either basket at any time during the game except to prevent injury; dunk or stuff, or attempt to dunk or stuff a dead ball.

ART. 4 . . . Illegally contact the backboard/ring by:

a. Placing a hand on the backboard or ring to gain an advantage.

b. Intentionally slapping or striking the backboard or causing the ring to vibrate while a try or tap is in flight or is touching the backboard or is in the basket or in the cylinder above the basket.

ART. 5 . . . Delay the game by acts such as:

a. Preventing the ball from being made live promptly or from being put in play.

b. Failing when in possession, to immediately pass the ball to the nearer official when a whistle sounds.

c. The free thrower fails to be in the free-throw semicircle when the official is ready to administer the free throw unless the resumption-of-play procedure is in effect following a time-out or intermission.

d. Repeated violations of the throw-in, as in 9-2-10.

ART. 6 . . . Commit an unsporting foul. This includes, but is not limited to, acts or conduct such as:

a. Disrespectfully addressing or contacting an official or gesturing in such a manner as to indicate resentment.

b. Using profane or inappropriate language or obscene gestures.

c. Baiting or taunting an opponent.

NOTE: The NFHS disapproves of any form of taunting which is intended or designed to embarrass, ridicule or demean others under any circumstances.

d. Purposely obstructing an opponent’s vision by waving or placing hand(s) near his/her eyes.

NOTE: Purposely diverting an opponent’s attention by waving is different than holding or waving the hands near the opponent’s eyes for the express purpose of obstructing the vision so that he/she cannot see.

e. Climbing on or lifting a teammate to secure greater height.

f. Faking being fouled, knowingly attempting a free throw or accepting a foul to which the player was not entitled.

g. Use alcohol, or any form of tobacco product (e-cigarette or similar items) beginning with arrival at the competition site until departure following the completion of the contest.

h. Removing the jersey and/or pants/skirt within the visual confines of the playing area.

i. Leave the playing court for an unauthorized reason to demonstrate resentment, disgust or intimidation.

ART. 7 . . . Intentionally or flagrantly contacting an opponent when the ball is dead and such contact is not a personal foul.

ART. 8 . . . Be charged with fighting.

PENALTY: (Art. 8) Flagrant foul.

ART. 9 . . . Commit goaltending during a free throw.

ART. 10 . . . Reach through the throw-in boundary-line plane and touch or dislodge the ball as in 9-2 Penalty 3.

PENALTY: (Section 4) Two free throws plus the ball for a division-line throw-in.

NOTE: A single flagrant technical foul or the second technical foul charged to a player results in disqualification of the offender to the team bench.



Rule 10-5


The head coach is responsible for his/her own conduct and behavior, as well as substitutes, disqualified team members and all other bench personnel. Bench personnel, including the head coach, must not:

ART. 1 . . . Commit an unsporting foul. This includes, but is not limited to, acts or conduct such as:

a. Disrespectfully addressing an official.

b. Attempting to influence an official’s decision.

c. Using profane or inappropriate language or obscene gestures.

d. Disrespectfully addressing, baiting or taunting an opponent.

NOTE: The NFHS disapproves of any form of taunting which is intended or designed to embarrass, ridicule or demean others under any circumstances including on the basis of race, religion, gender or national origin.

e. Objecting to an official’s decision by rising from the bench or using gestures.

f. Inciting undesirable crowd reactions.

g. Being charged with fighting.

h. Removing the jersey and/or pants/skirt within the visual confines of the playing area.

i. Grasping either basket except to prevent injury; dunking or attempting to dunk or stuff a dead ball.

ART. 2 . . . Enter the court unless by permission of an official to attend an injured player.

ART. 3 . . . Use alcohol, or any form of tobacco product (e-cigarette or similar items) beginning with arrival at the competition site until departure following the completion of the contest.

ART. 4 . . . Stand at the team bench while the clock is running or is stopped, and must remain seated, except:

a. The head coach as in 10-6-1.

b. When a team member is reporting to the scorer’s table.

c. During a charged time-out, as in 5-11, or the intermission between quarters and extra periods.

d. To spontaneously react to an outstanding play by a team member or to acknowledge a replaced player(s), but must immediately return to his/her seat.

PENALTY: (Arts. 1a, b, d, e, f, 2, 4) The officials must warn the head coach unless the offense is judge to be major, in which case a technical foul must be ruled. (Arts. 1, 2, 3, 4) Two free throws plus the ball for a division-line throwin. If the head coach is the offender, the foul is charged directly to him/her. The foul is charged to the offender (if not the head coach) and also charged indirectly to the head coach. (Art. 1g) Flagrant foul, the offender is disqualified. If the offender is bench personnel, each foul is also charged indirectly to the head coach.

ART. 5 . . . Leave the confines of the bench during a fight or when a fight may occur.

NOTE: The head coach and any number of assistant coaches may enter the court in the situation where a fight may break out – or has broken out – to prevent the situation from escalating.

PENALTY: (Art. 5) Flagrant foul, disqualification of individual offender, but only one technical-foul penalty is administered regardless of the number of offenders. This one foul is also charged indirectly to the head coach. If the head coach is an offender, an additional flagrant technical foul is charged directly to the coach and penalized. When a simultaneous technical foul(s) by opponents occurs, the free throws are not awarded when the penalties offset.

NOTE: A single flagrant foul or the second technical foul charged to any bench personnel, other than the head coach, results in disqualification of the offender. A single flagrant foul, the second direct technical foul or the third technical (any combination of direct or indirect) charged to the head coach results in disqualification and ejection. Ejected adult bench personnel must leave the vicinity (out of sight and sound) of the playing area immediately and are prohibited from any further contact (direct or indirect) with the team during the remainder of the game. Failure to comply with the rules of ejection may result in the game being forfeited.


Rule 10-6


ART. 1 . . . The head coach must remain seated on the team bench, except:

a. By state association adoption, the head coach may stand within the designated coaching box described in 1-13-2. The first technical foul charged directly or indirectly to the head coach results in loss of coaching-box privileges and the head coach must remain seated for the remainder of the game, except as stated below in 10-6-1b, c, d and e.

b. The head coach may stand within the coaching box to request a time-out or signal his/her players to request a time-out.

c. The head coach may stand and/or leave the coaching box to confer with personnel at the scorer’s table to request a time-out as in 5-8-4.

d. The head coach may stand within the coaching box to replace or remove a disqualified/injured player or player directed to leave the game.

e. The head coach may stand as in 10-5-4c and 10-5-4d.

NOTE: The head coach may enter the court in the situation where a fight may break out – or has broken out – to prevent the situation from escalating.

ART. 2 . . . The head coach must replace or remove a disqualified/injured player, or player directed to leave the game, within 15 seconds when a substitute is available.

ART. 3 . . . The head coach must not permit a team member to participate after being removed from the game for disqualification.

ART. 4 . . . The head coach must not permit a team member to participate while wearing an illegal uniform (see 3-4).

ART. 5 . . . The head coach must not permit team members to leave the bench area and/or playing court for an unauthorized reason.

PENALTY: (Art. 1) The official must warn the head coach unless the offense is judged to be major, in which case a technical foul must be ruled. (Section 6) Two free throws plus the ball for a division-line throw-in. The foul is charged directly to the head coach. (Arts. 3, 5) Penalized if discovered while being violated. (Art. 4) Penalized when discovered. (Arts. 4, 5) Only one technical foul is charged regardless of the number of offenders.

NOTE: A single flagrant foul, the second direct technical foul or the third technical (any combination of direct or indirect) charged to the head coach results in disqualification and ejection. Ejected adult bench personnel must leave the vicinity (out of sight and sound) of the playing area immediately and are prohibited from any further contact (direct or indirect) with the team during the remainder of the game. Failure to comply with the rules of ejection may result in the game being forfeited.


Rule 10-7


ART. 1 . . . A player must not hold, push, charge, trip or impede the progress of an opponent by extending arm(s), shoulder(s), hip(s) or knee(s), or by bending his/her body into other than a normal position; nor use any rough tactics.

ART. 2 . . . A player must not contact an opponent with his/her hand unless such contact is only with the opponent’s hand while it is on the ball and is incidental to an attempt to play the ball.

ART. 3 . . . A player must not use his/her hands on an opponent in any way that inhibits the freedom of movement of the opponent or acts as an aid to a player in starting or stopping.

ART. 4 . . . A player must not extend the arm(s) fully or partially other than vertically so that freedom of movement of an opponent is hindered when contact with the arms occurs. A player may hold his/her hand(s) and arm(s) in front of his/her own face or body for protection and to absorb force from an imminent charge by an opponent.

ART. 5 . . . A player must not use the forearm and/or hand to prevent an opponent from attacking the ball during a dribble or when throwing for goal.

ART. 6 . . . Contact caused by a defensive player who approaches from behind is pushing; contact caused by the momentum of a player who has thrown for a goal is charging.

ART. 7 . . . A dribbler must neither charge into nor contact an opponent in his/her path nor attempt to dribble between two opponents or between an opponent and a boundary, unless the space is such as to provide a reasonable chance for him/ her to go through without contact.

ART. 8 . . . When a dribbler, without contact, sufficiently passes an opponent to have head and shoulders in advance of that opponent, the greater responsibility for subsequent contact is on the opponent.

ART. 9 . . . When a dribbler in his/her progress is moving in a straight-line path, he/she may not be crowded out of that path, but if an opponent is able to legally obtain a defensive position in that path, the dribbler must avoid contact by changing direction or ending his/her dribble.

ART. 10 . . . The dribbler is not permitted additional rights in executing a jump try for goal, pivoting, feinting or in beginning a dribble.

ART. 11 . . . A player must adhere to the rules pertaining to illegal contact, including but not limited to, guarding as in 4-23, rebounding as in 4-37, screening as in 4-40, and verticality as in 4-45.

ART. 12 . . . The following acts constitute a foul when committed against a ball handler/dribbler. A player becomes a ball handler when he/she receives the ball. This would include a player in a post position.

  1. Placing two hands on the player.

  2. Placing an extended arm bar on the player.

  3. Placing and keeping a hand on the player.

  4. Contacting the player more than once with the same hand or alternating hands.

PENALTY: (Section 7) Offender is charged with one foul, and if it is his/her fifth foul (personal and technical) or if it is flagrant, he/she is – disqualified.

Rule 10 Penalties Summary

  1. No free throws:

  1. a. For each common foul before the bonus rule is in effect.

  2. For a player-control or team-control foul.

  3. For double personal or technical fouls (point of interruption).

  4. For simultaneous personal or simultaneous technical fouls by opponents (point of interruption).

  5. After time has expired for the fourth quarter (or extra period), unless the point(s) would affect the outcome of the game.

NOTE: If one or both fouls of a double foul are flagrant, no free throws are awarded. Any player who commits a flagrant foul is disqualified.

2. One free throw if fouled in the act of shooting and two-point or three-point try or tap for field goal is successful.

3. Bonus free throw:

  1. For seventh, eighth and ninth team foul each half, if first free throw is successful.

  2. Beginning with 10th team foul each half whether or not first free throw is successful.

4. Two free throws if intentional or flagrant, plus ball for throw-in.

5. Fouled in act of shooting and try or tap for field goal is unsuccessful:

  1. Two free throws on two-point try or tap for field goal.

  2. Three free throws on three-point try or tap for field goal. Plus, ball for throw-in if intentional or flagrant.

6. Multiple Foul:
a. One free throw for each foul:

  1. No try involved.

  2. Successful or unsuccessful two-point try or tap for field goal.

  3. Successful three-point try or tap for field goal.

b. Two free throws for each foul:

  1. Intentional or flagrant foul.

  2. Unsuccessful three-point try or tap for field goal. Plus, ball for throw-in if intentional or flagrant.

NOTE: If one or both fouls of a multiple foul are flagrant, two free throws are awarded for each flagrant foul. Any player who commits a flagrant foul is disqualified.

7. In case of a false double foul or a false multiple foul, each foul carries its own penalty.

8. Fighting:

a. Players on the court:

    1. Corresponding number from each team – double flagrant fouls, all participants are disqualified, no free throws are awarded, ball is put in play at the point of interruption.

    2. Numbers of participants are not corresponding – Flagrant fouls and disqualification for all participants, two free throws are awarded for the offended team for each additional player, offended team awarded a division line throw in.

b. Bench personnel leaving the team bench during a fight or when a fight may break out:

(1) Do NOT participate in the fight – nonparticipants are assessed flagrant fouls and disqualified. The head coach is assessed a maximum of one indirect technical foul (regardless of the number leaving the bench). If the number leaving the bench for each team is corresponding, no free throws are awarded, and the ball is put in play at the point of interruption. If the number leaving the bench for each team is unequal, a maximum of two free throws are awarded the offended team, followed by a division line throw-in opposite the table.

(2) Participate in the fight – all participants are assessed flagrant fouls and disqualified. The head coach is assessed one indirect technical foul for each person leaving the bench and participating in the fight. If the number leaving the bench for each team is corresponding, no free throws are awarded, and the ball is put in play at the point of interruption. If the number leaving the bench for each team is unequal, two free throws are awarded the offended team for each additional person leaving the bench, followed by a division line throw-in opposite the table. NOTE: All fouls (except an indirect technical foul charged to the head coach) count toward the team’s foul count in the half.

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