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  • Writer's pictureSarge

The Person/Official you want to be! Sarge 3:16

The journey to becoming the person and official you desire to be often seems like a daunting task. It's easy to look at the gap between our current selves and our ideal selves and feel overwhelmed, even defeated.

However, it's crucial to remember that the bridge between who you are now and the person you aspire to be is not as vast as it may appear.

In fact, it is separated by only one thing - discipline. Discipline is the key that unlocks the door to growth and personal development.

It's the force that drives us to slog through difficult times, stay focused on our goals, and resist the temptations that could derail us. Discipline is not about punishing ourselves, or living a life of deprivation. Rather, it's about choices. It's about choosing what we want most over what we want right now.

Discipline is what propels us to wake up early every morning to exercise, even when our bodies beg for more sleep. It's what inspires us to choose a healthy meal over fast food, study for an exam instead of watching TV, or save money instead of making impulsive purchases.

These small acts of discipline may seem insignificant in isolation, but when compounded over time, they have a profound impact on our lives. Imagine a version of yourself who is exactly who you want to be. What differentiates you from them? The answer lies in discipline.

The person you aspire to be has mastered the art of discipline, making choices that align with their long-term goals rather than succumbing to immediate gratification. They've built habits that support their aspirations, and consistently make choices that propel them closer to their goals.

It's important to recognize that discipline doesn't come naturally to anyone - it's a skill that needs to be cultivated. It requires patience, consistency, and a deep understanding of why your goals matter to you. When you're fueled by a strong 'why', staying disciplined becomes less of a struggle and more of a commitment to your personal growth.

Remember, discipline is not meant to restrict you - it's meant to empower you. It gives you control over your actions and decisions and keeps you on course towards becoming the person you want to be. In this journey of self-improvement, there will inevitably be moments of setback and failure.

But with discipline, these setbacks become stepping stones rather than roadblocks. In conclusion, the key to bridging the gap between the person you are now and the person you want to be lies in embracing discipline in your daily life. It may be challenging at first, but with consistent effort and unwavering commitment, you will gradually see yourself transforming into the person you aspire to become.

Remember, every step taken in discipline moves you closer to your goal. So put on your shoes of determination today and walk down the path of discipline - your future self will thank you for it!

Maintaining focus and dedication towards the tasks within our control is crucial.

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