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  • Writer's pictureSarge

Partner Expectations: Sarge 3:16

Through my experiences of working with other officials, I have gained valuable insight into how having excessively high expectations can lead to issues that can hinder the success of games. Such issues can include misunderstandings, communication breakdowns, and unrealistic goals.

It's crucial to set realistic expectations and goals in such situations to ensure that everyone involved can work towards a common objective effectively.

It is not uncommon for us to have specific expectations from people regarding their performance and execution of tasks. However, sometimes we tend to overlook the fact that not everyone is capable of delivering what we expect from them.

We end up setting unrealistic goals and standards that cannot be met by everyone.

As a result, when people fail to meet our expectations, we end up getting disappointed in them. We tend to overlook the fact that we have set them up for failure by giving them tasks that are beyond their capabilities. This behavior can end up sabotaging someone's confidence and self-worth.

Instead, we should take a step back and evaluate their strengths and limitations before delegating any tasks to them.

We should assign tasks that are suitable for their skillset and provide them with the necessary tools and resources to help them succeed. By doing so, we can help them perform better and also boost their confidence in their abilities.

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