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NFHS Basketball: Daily Case Play

6.4.1 - Setting and Reversing the Arrow

SITUATION E: During the jump ball to start the game, after the ball is tossed: (a) B1 violates; (b) B1 fouls A1; or (c) A1 intentionally fouls B1. When is the possession arrow set? RULING: In (a) and (b), when the ball is in the possession of the thrower of Team A, Team A has gained control for purposes of establishing the procedure, and the arrow is immediately pointed in the direction of B’s basket. In (c), the arrow is pointed in the direction of A’s basket when a player of B has the ball or it is at the thrower’s disposal for the throw-in following the free throws. (4-3) SITUATION F: A team member of Team A is detected dunking about five minutes before the game and a team member of B does the same thing about a minute later.

RULING: The game will start with administration of the technical-foul free throws in the order in which the fouls were called. Team B shoots first followed by Team A. Team A will then be given the ball for a throw-in at the division line opposite the table. When the thrower of Team A is bounced the ball or it is placed at his/her disposal, the possession arrow will be set pointing toward Team B’s basket.

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