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  • Writer's pictureSarge


6.7 - Dead-Ball Situations

SITUATION A: The ball is in flight during a try or a tap for goal by A1 when time for the third quarter expires. After time expires, the ball is on the ring or in the basket or is touching the cylinder above the basket when it is touched by: (a) A2; or (b) B1. The ball then goes through the basket or does not go through. RULING: In (a) and (b), the ball became dead as the try ended with the violation. In (a), no points can be scored because of the offensive basket interference by A2. However, in (b), since the touching is defensive basket interference by B1, two points are awarded to A1. Whether or not the ball goes through the basket has no effect upon either ruling. SITUATION B: After A1 starts the free-throwing motion, A2 commits a foul by pushing B1 along the lane. RULING: If the foul occurred after the ball was in flight, the point counts if the throw was successful and no substitute throw is awarded if not successful. If A1 had not released the free-throw attempt before A2 fouled B1, the ball became dead when the team-control foul occurred and A1 is permitted an unhindered free throw. The foul by A2 results in the ball being awarded to Team B at the out-of-bounds spot nearest to where A2 fouled B1, unless the free-throw attempt by A1 is successful in which case B will throw-in from out of bounds anywhere along the end line where the free throw was scored.

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