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  • Writer's pictureSarge

NFHS Basketball: Case Play

Updated: May 17, 2022

6.3.7 - Jump-Ball Administration

During a jump ball: (a) jumper A1 touches the ball simultaneously with both hands, then touches the ball with the right hand followed by the left hand; or (b) jumpers A1 and B1 do not touch the ball until one or both have returned to the floor.

RULING: In (a), the initial simultaneous touching counts as the first touch, touching the ball then with the right hand is the second touch and is legal. When A1 touches the tossed ball a third time with the left hand, a violation for touching the ball more than twice has occurred. In (b), it is legal; however, if the tossed ball contacts the floor without being touched, the official shall toss it again.

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