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  • Writer's pictureSarge

Navigating the New Generation of Officials: Balancing Instant Gratification with Excellence

In the world of sports officiating, a new generation of officials is emerging, eager to fast-track their way to the big games and varsity-level assignments. While ambition and enthusiasm are admirable qualities, it's essential to recognize that the path to excellence in high school officiating often involves taking one step backward to go two steps forward. In this blog, we'll explore the challenges faced by this new generation of officials and why valuing the process of gradual progression is crucial for success in the world of officiating.

The Urge for Instant Gratification

In today's digital age, instant gratification has become a common expectation in many aspects of life, including sports officiating. The desire to officiate high-profile games or make it to the varsity level quickly is entirely understandable. However, it's essential to remember that officiating is a journey, not a sprint. Success in this field is built on a foundation of experience, knowledge, and gradual improvement.

The Importance of Patience

Excellence in high school officiating requires a solid understanding of the rules, mechanics, and game management skills. It takes time to develop the expertise needed to excel in challenging situations. Rushing through this process can lead to gaps in knowledge and skills that can hinder an official's ability to perform effectively on the court.

Veteran officials often emphasize the value of patience and taking the time to learn and grow. They understand that every official's journey is unique, and it's essential to embrace the learning curve. Instead of focusing solely on the destination, aspiring officials should prioritize the process of becoming the best officials they can be.

Embracing the Learning Process

To excel in high school officiating, officials must be willing to learn from their experiences, both positive and negative. Every game offers an opportunity for growth and development. It's important to review game tapes, seek feedback from mentors and peers, and continuously refine one's officiating skills.

The process of gradual progression involves working games at various levels, from youth leagues to junior varsity, before reaching the varsity level. Each step provides valuable experience and prepares officials for the challenges they will face as they advance in their careers.

Mentorship and Guidance

One of the greatest resources available to new officials is the wisdom and guidance of experienced mentors. Veteran officials like Sarge, who have over 27 years of experience, have a wealth of knowledge to share. They understand the struggles and challenges faced by new officials and can provide valuable insights and advice.

New officials should actively seek out mentorship and not be afraid to ask questions or seek feedback. A mentor can help shape their officiating journey, provide constructive criticism, and offer support along the way.


While the desire for instant gratification is natural, it's crucial for the new generation of officials to recognize that excellence in high school officiating is a gradual process. Embracing the journey, valuing the learning process, and seeking mentorship are key elements of success in this field. By taking one step backward to go two steps forward, officials can build a strong foundation of knowledge and experience that will serve them well as they pursue their officiating goals.

In the end, the officiating community is a tight-knit family, and collective growth and improvement should be the ultimate objective.

Let's remember that I am a combat veteran and a dedicated official who values the importance of maintaining a balanced life. Together, let's set out on the journey towards achieving excellence in high school officiating and offer each other support along the way.

Together, let's embark on the path toward achieving excellence in high school officiating and provide support to each other throughout the journey.


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