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  • Writer's pictureSarge

Good Jump or Not?- 3-Foot Rule -legal or illegal.

This move is undoubtedly legal, although some referees may have a different opinion. The player stepped out of the circle restriction and went behind to the free zone, which is perfectly acceptable according to the rules.

JUMP-BALL ADMINISTRATION6.3.2 SITUATION: The referee is ready to toss the ball to start the game.

ART. 1 . . . For any jump ball, each jumper must have both feet within that half of the center restraining circle which is farther from his/her basket.

ART. 2 . . . When the official is ready and until the ball is tossed, non-jumpers must not:

a. Move onto the center restraining circle.

b. Change position around the center restraining circle.

ART. 3 . . . Teammates may not occupy adjacent positions around the center restraining circle if an opponent indicates a desire for one of these positions before the official is ready to toss the ball.

ART. 4 . . . The ball must be tossed upward between the jumpers in a plane at right angles to the sidelines. The toss must be to a height greater than either of them can jump so that it will drop between them.

ART. 5 . . . Until the tossed ball is touched by one or both jumpers, non-jumpers must not:

a. Have either foot break the plane of the center restraining circle cylinder.

b. Take a position in any occupied space.

ART. 6 . . . The tossed ball must be touched by one or both of the jumpers after it reaches its highest point. If the ball contacts the floor without being touched by at least one of the jumpers, the official must toss it again.

ART. 7 . . . Neither jumper must:

a. Touch the tossed ball before it reaches its highest point.

b. Leave the center restraining circle until the ball has been touched.

c. Catch the ball before the jump ball ends.

d. Touch the ball more than twice.

ART. 8 . . . The jump ball and the restrictions in 6-3-7 end when the touched ball contacts one of the eight non-jumpers, an official, the floor, a basket or backboard. NOTE: During a jump ball, a jumper is not required to face his/her own basket, provided he/she is in the proper half of the center restraining circle. The jumper is also not required to jump and attempt to touch the tossed ball. However, if neither jumper touches the ball it should be tossed again with both jumpers being ordered to jump and try to touch the ball.

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