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"Achieving Excellence in High School Basketball Officiating: A Comprehensive Competency Model Drawn


Excellence in high school basketball officiating is a pursuit that marries passion with precision, and dedication with decisiveness. As officials, we are more than arbiters of rules; we are educators, influencers, and stewards of the game.

Over my 28 years of experience, I've developed a competency model that reflects the pinnacle of officiating prowess. It's a framework that I've lived by and taught, a standard that every aspiring official can reach for.

Understanding the Role

Before delving into the competencies, it's crucial to understand the multi-faceted role of a high school basketball official. You're a guardian of the game's integrity, a communicator, and sometimes, a calm presence in the storm of competition. You must balance fairness with firmness and rules with reason.

The Competency Model

1. Knowledge of the Game

Deep Rulebook Understanding

Know the rules not just by rote but with depth. It's about understanding the spirit of the rule, not just the letter. In games, questions won't come in neat, textbook scenarios. Officials must interpret and apply rules in real-time, under real-world conditions.

Strategy and Game Flow Comprehension

Anticipate plays by understanding strategies. Knowing teams' tendencies can help you position yourself optimally, foresee violations, and maintain the flow of the game.

2. Decision-Making Skills

Quick and Accurate Calls

Decisiveness is key. The ability to make split-second decisions that are accurate and fair can define an official's quality. Hesitation can erode trust; decisiveness builds respect.


Players and coaches rely on consistency. It creates a framework for the game's expectations. Erratic officiating disrupts the game and diminishes the official's credibility.

3. Physical Fitness

Endurance and Agility

High school basketball is fast-paced. An official must match this pace, maintaining a high level of endurance and agility to be in the right place at the right time.


Your physical presence speaks volumes. It's not just about fitness; it's about carrying yourself in a manner that exudes authority and confidence.

4. Communication Skills

Clear and Effective Signals

Your calls are your voice. They must be clear, unambiguous, and visible to everyone in the gym.

Dealing with Conflict

Handle conflicts with composure and professionalism. The way an official manages confrontations can either escalate or defuse tense situations.

5. Continuous Learning and Adaptability

Embracing Technology

Today's officials have tools my generation could only dream of. Use video analysis to review calls, learn from others, and refine your skills.

Growth Mindset

No official knows everything. Embrace every game, and every situation, as a learning opportunity. Seek feedback and be open to change.

6. Psychological Stamina

Stress Management

Officiating is high-pressure. Manage it with techniques that work for you, be it deep breathing, visualization, or routine.

Mental Toughness

Develop resilience. A bad call can happen; recovery defines your mettle. Don't let one mistake—or one game—define your career.

7. Professionalism

Ethical Conduct

Your integrity is non-negotiable. Every call, every interaction, should be guided by an unwavering ethical compass.

Dedication to the Game

Your love for basketball should be evident. It's not about merely enforcing rules; it's about nurturing the game.

8. Teamwork

Working with Partners

Basketball officiating is a team effort. Building rapport and trust with your partners is essential for a unified front.


Experienced officials should mentor the novices. Passing on knowledge strengthens the collective expertise.

My Journey to Excellence

My model stems from years on the court and a lifetime's dedication to the game. When I started Come On, Refs Academy, it intended to guide those who had the passion but sought knowledge and confidence.

The Technology Advantage

Technology has revolutionized our craft. Video analysis allows officials to review and learn from actual game scenarios, enhancing decision-making skills. This continuous learning loop wasn't always available, but it's now an integral tool in an official's repertoire.

The Importance of Mentorship

During my career, I've taken many under my wing, sharing insights and guiding them through the labyrinth of scenarios one encounters on the court. As mentors, our role is to expedite the learning process, to imbue confidence, and to help officials not just navigate but master the art of officiating.

Balancing Life and Officiating

As a combat veteran, I understand the value of balance. Officiating, much like life, is a test of endurance, mental toughness, and adaptability. Through my experience, I've learned to integrate the love of the game with life's other passions. This balance is vital for longevity in this field.


The pursuit of being a good high school basketball official is a journey rather than a destination. It's a process of continual growth, learning, and adaptation. The model I've presented encapsulates what it takes to excel in this challenging yet rewarding profession.

Remember, excellence is not an act but a habit. It's not about being perfect on the court; it's about striving for perfection. With each game, with each call, you have an opportunity to embody the ideals of a top-tier basketball official. Let’s embark on that journey to excellence together.


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