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10 Types of Sports Officials and How to Work with Them

Sports officials come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. As an official, you'll likely work with a wide variety of individuals throughout your career. Some may be great, while others may test your patience or challenge your ability to work effectively as a team. In this article, we'll take a look at ten common types of sports officials and provide some tips on how to handle each personality effectively.

1. The Dominator


The Dominator is a mixture of control freak, loudmouth, and overconfidence. They put themselves in the spotlight and aim to dominate every aspect of a game – from pregame discussions with partners and coaches to their in-game performance.

How to Work with Them

To work with a Dominator, try to assert yourself during pregame discussions and maintain a professional demeanor throughout the game. It's essential to stand up for yourself and take charge when necessary, especially if the Dominator is making incorrect calls or violating rules.

2. The Tech Enthusiast


The Tech Enthusiast is highly proficient in using technology to enhance their officiating skills. They often rely on their smartphones for assignments, communication, and studying. However, their constant device usage can be distracting and may affect their focus during pregame and postgame discussions.

How to Work with Them

Leverage their technological prowess by incorporating it into your pregame routine. Engage them in discussions and politely request that they put their devices away during essential conversations. Encourage their use of technology for improvement while maintaining a healthy balance between screen time and face-to-face interaction.

3. The Paycheck Collector


The Paycheck Collector is primarily motivated by the financial aspect of officiating. They place a high priority on receiving their payment and may even allow their desire for money to overshadow their passion for the game.

How to Work with Them

Remind them of their initial love for officiating and the importance of maintaining professionalism on and off the field. Encourage them to focus on their performance and dedication to the game, rather than solely on their earnings.

4. The Unkempt Official


The Unkempt Official lacks attention to appearance and may show up to games looking disheveled or unprofessional. Their disregard for personal presentation can negatively impact the first impression of the entire officiating crew.

How to Work with Them

Address the issue in a casual, non-confrontational manner before the game. Offer friendly advice on maintaining a professional appearance and emphasize the importance of looking the part. Anticipate the potential negative impression and work harder to gain the respect of coaches, players, and spectators.

5. The Pessimist


The Pessimist is consistently negative and often complains about various aspects of officiating. They may blame others for their problems and rarely take responsibility for their own actions.

How to Work with Them

Counteract their negativity with kindness and positivity. Avoid engaging in negative discussions and instead, focus on the positive aspects of officiating. Encourage them to reflect on why they continue to officiate if it brings them so much unhappiness.

6. The Procrastinator


The Procrastinator is often running late and tends to push tasks to the last minute. They may struggle with punctuality and organization, which can impact their overall performance and professionalism.

How to Work with Them

Hold them accountable for deadlines and punctuality. Report their tardiness to assigning officials or supervisors, and don't allow their procrastination to impact your own performance. Encourage them to adopt better time-management habits and prioritize their responsibilities.

7. The Attention Seeker


The Attention Seeker is overly dramatic and showy in their officiating style. They may exaggerate calls or make unnecessary gestures in an attempt to draw attention to themselves.

How to Work with Them

Help them understand the negative impact of their behavior on their credibility as an official. Encourage them to observe respected officials at higher levels and adopt a more professional, understated approach to officiating.

8. The Overconfident Official


The Overconfident Official tends to boast about their accomplishments and experiences, often disregarding the importance of rules, mechanics, and philosophies at their current level.

How to Work with Them

Respectfully challenge their assertions and remind them of the importance of adhering to appropriate guidelines for their level of officiating. Encourage them to focus on improving their skills and understanding of the game rather than relying solely on their past experiences.

9. The Nostalgic Official


The Nostalgic Official frequently reminisces about the "good old days" of officiating and may cling to outdated mechanics and philosophies. They may be resistant to change and can struggle to adapt to modern rules and techniques.

How to Work with Them

Avoid engaging in lengthy discussions about the past and instead, focus on the present and future of officiating. Encourage them to embrace change and stay up-to-date with current rules, mechanics, and best practices.

10. The Comedian


The Comedian uses humor and lightheartedness throughout the game, often at inappropriate times. While their antics may initially be entertaining, they can become distracting and detrimental to the overall officiating performance.

How to Work with Them

Maintain your professionalism and focus on the task at hand, regardless of the Comedian's behavior. Encourage them to find a balance between enjoying the game and maintaining a professional demeanor.

In conclusion, working with various sports officials' personalities can be challenging, but with the right mindset and approach, you can foster growth, excellence, and effective teamwork. Embrace your role as an Encouraging Educator and use your knowledge and passion for officiating to help your fellow officials reach their full potential.

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