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Academy Services
Officiating, unbiased evaluations, fitness programs, and public speaking"

Services Offered

Welcome to C.O.R Academy, where passion for basketball and impactful public speaking converge under one roof. As the owner and lead service provider, I bring to the table 29 years of rich experience in basketball officiating, complemented by the honor of being a Purple Heart recipient. My journey has not only been about sports and service but also about resilience, leadership, and the undying commitment to excellence in every arena of life.

Basketball Officiating

My love for basketball goes beyond just the game; it's about upholding the spirit of fair play and integrity. With 29 years of experience on the court, I've seen firsthand the evolution of the game and have adapted to officiate with unwavering accuracy and fairness.

-Expertis: My journey through various levels of basketball, from amateur leagues to high-profile tournaments, has equipped me with an extensive understanding of the game's rules and the nuances of officiating.

- Fairness: As a Purple Heart recipient, I've lived through the values of courage and integrity. These values translate into my officiating, ensuring every call I make is fair and unbiased, maintaining the integrity of the game.

- Professionalism: The discipline and professionalism forged through my military and sports experiences shape my approach to every game. Recognizing the importance of fitness in officiating, I ensure my physical condition exemplifies this professionalism, enabling me to conduct games with the respect and seriousness they deserve. My fitness level not only allows me to effectively manage the demands of the game but also serves as a model for the athletic community, illustrating the integral role of physical readiness in the realm of sports officiating.

Unbiased Video Evaluations for Officials

Recognizing the importance of continuous development and the role of technology in enhancing officiating standards, I am excited to introduce our unbiased video evaluation service for Junior Varsity and Varsity basketball officials.
  • Innovative Approach: Leveraging cutting-edge technology and deep-rooted basketball knowledge, we offer detailed video analyses to help officials refine their skills. Our evaluations provide insightful feedback, combining book knowledge with practical insights to ensure comprehensive learning and improvement.
  • Detailed Insight: Our service goes beyond the surface, offering in-depth analysis of officiating decisions, positioning, and game management. We use high-quality video footage to provide constructive feedback, helping officials understand nuances and make informed decisions.
  • Supporting the Next Generation: We believe in nurturing talent and ensuring the next generation of officials is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to excel. Our evaluations serve as a second pair of eyes, highlighting areas of strength and opportunities for growth to ensure the integrity and fairness of the game are upheld.

Public Speaking Engagements

Drawing from my experiences on the battlefield and the basketball court, I offer engaging and motivational public speaking services. My presentations are tailored to inspire, challenge, and motivate audiences across various settings, from corporate events to sports team meetings.

- Engaging Content: Leveraging my 29 years of experience and the profound lessons learned as a Purple Heart recipient, I cover topics such as leadership, teamwork, overcoming adversity, and the power of resilience.

- Impactful Delivery: I believe in the power of storytelling, using my own life experiences to connect with the audience on a personal level. My speaking style is interactive and engaging, designed to leave a lasting impact.

- Motivational Insights: My goal is to inspire action and change. I share insights on how to face challenges with courage, rise above adversity, and pursue excellence in all aspects of life.

At C.O.R Academy, every service I offer is infused with the lessons learned from a lifetime of dedication, sacrifice, and passion. Whether you're looking for someone to ensure fairness
and integrity in your next game or a speaker to motivate your team to new heights, I'm here to deliver. Let's make your next event or game not just an occasion, but a memorable experience.
  Sarge-Fitness Training
Leveraging my extensive background in Army fitness training and personal achievements in endurance sports, I offer specialized fitness programs designed to push physical limits and achieve exceptional fitness levels.
  • Army Fitness Expertise: Drawing on rigorous Army fitness training techniques, our programs are designed to build strength, endurance, and mental toughness, preparing individuals for any physical challenge.
  • Marathon and Ironman Training: With personal experience in completing half and full marathons and Ironman competitions, I bring firsthand insights into training for these demanding endurance events, offering customized coaching to help athletes of all levels reach their peak performance.
  • Holistic Fitness Approach: Understanding the interconnectedness of physical fitness, mental resilience, and overall well-being, our training programs encompass a comprehensive approach to health and fitness, ensuring balanced development and optimal results.
At come on, refs academy, our goal is to inspire excellence, whether through the precision of basketball officiating, the power of motivational speaking, or the challenge of achieving peak physical fitness. Join us on this journey to transcend limits and achieve your fullest potential.


We set the standard of excellence


Thanks for asking

At C.O.R Academy, under Sarge's guidance, we've experienced remarkable growth and development. With a success rate of 95% for elevating junior varsity referees to higher levels, Sarge's approach through film analysis, case studies, and immediate post-game feedback has proven to be exceptionally effective. His commitment to promoting success goes beyond just the technical aspects of officiating; it's about instilling a mindset of excellence in all of us. Being part of this program, we've not only improved our skills on the court but have also embraced the values of success that Sarge advocates. It's truly a transformative journey for any referee looking to excel in their career.

Steve Rodriquez

Joining C.O.R Academy was a game-changer for me. Under Sarge's mentorship, not only did my understanding of the game deepen, but my entire approach to officiating transformed. Sarge's unique training methods, including the thorough film reviews, case play analysis, and invaluable post-game breakdowns, propelled me beyond my limits. It's not just about the success rate of moving referees up the ranks; it's about how Sarge instills the essence of leadership and success in us. I've not only advanced in my career but have also grown as a person, embracing the integrity and excellence Sarge champions. This isn't just another training program—it's a launchpad for those who aspire to be at the top of their game."

Danny Lindin

Embarking on the journey with C.O.R Academy, I quickly realized that Sarge's commitment to excellence is unparalleled. His strict regimen, which includes rigorous mechanics workshops via Zoom and his unwavering commitment to attending our games in person, demands a level of dedication that's truly transformative. Sarge doesn't just expect excellence; he engineers it through disciplined training and personal investment in our development. It was his insistence on precision, commitment to our growth, and hands-on approach that not only sharpened my officiating skills but also instilled a profound sense of responsibility and professionalism in me. This program isn't for the faint-hearted; it's a forge for those ready to commit, improve, and excel under the watchful eye of one of the best in the field.

Eddie James

"When I first joined Come On, Refs Academy, I was on the brink of giving up on my officiating dreams. The intensity of Sarge's program, with its rigorous Zoom mechanics workshops and his demand for personal attendance at games, initially felt overwhelming. However, it was precisely this stringent commitment that transformed my perspective and skill set. Sarge's dedication to pushing us beyond our limits, while ensuring we understood the gravity of our roles on and off the court, ignited a resilience I didn't know I possessed. There were moments I thought I couldn't meet his expectations, but Sarge's belief in my potential, coupled with the structured and immersive training environment, guided me through the storm. Now, looking back, I see those challenges as pivotal moments that shaped me into a more capable, confident, and dedicated official. Come On, Refs Academy doesn't just keep you from quitting; it inspires you to conquer."

Amanda Wilson

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